Gradient, London

A public sculpture in Piccadilly Circus, Gradient, explores the relationship with electronic devices that have almost become extensions of the body. The screens that have become ingrained in our psyche are constantly mixing three colours to create a seamless visual interface that mimics reality.

The installation is made from three steel frames. The top and bottom of the frame contains light emitting diodes. These diodes are exposed rather than concealed. The lights shift between red, green, and blue, mixing colours.

The apertures in the frames create a different way of viewing the space. The rectangular space in the frame draws parallels to the rectangular screens of our day to day life. 

Visitors to the installation become active participants in the work as they move through the view that is framed by the sculptures. They become canvases themselves.

Project Category: Public Sculpture

Client: Piccadilly

Budget: £15,000

Status: Completed